Non-woven bag: the material is combined with random or directed fibers, it is an green material that has got characters of moisture-proof, breathable, flexible, lightweight, non-combustible, easy to decompose, non-toxic and non-irritating, colorful, cheap, recyclable. Non-woven bag is very popular among merchants and customers. Gift bags have got adventures of high functionality and large area for printing.
Hong Kong Life Insurance定製L型單頁文件夾文件袋作為會議禮品使用,優良PP材質,防潑濺,可保護檔不受損壞,手風琴樣式收納口袋設計,增加了側面收納空間,PP材質,防水防塵耐髒,不用擔心把文件弄髒,可做檔收納,資料收納,A4大小,滿足日常所需,預留半圓開口,小細節大方便
尺寸:310 x 220 (mm)
We provide giant coverage in Greater China Region with the largest corporate gift and premium network in Asia. We serve more than 30000 gift projects and manage more than 500 suppliers. Operation 8 main cities in Southeast Asia and 2 quality inspection centers. Customers can check the information of thousands of gifts....More>>